20–80 TO 100–100

To change meetings from 20 - 80 to 100 - 100

Traditional meetings are too often dominated by the 20 - 80 syndrome, which means 20% of the participants use 80% of the speaking time to talk about what they always talk about and which we already know they will talk about. In the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® language we call that a "Lean Backward Meeting".


The purpose of the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method is to create "Lean Forward Meeting", where the participants are engaged 100% of the time and contributing with 100% of their insights, knowledge, opinions, ideas and commitment.

The purpose of the LSP method is to realize and capitalize from ALL the potential in the room - not only the potential of the 20%. Being able to release and benefit from the potential of all the participants in the meeting will release more opinions, ideas, knowledge, insights and will at the SAME time create more engagement, commitment and confidence, which ultimately leads to faster implementation of the decisions.

The LSP method is based on the belief that

  • People naturally want to contribute, be part of something bigger and take ownership

  • Allowing each member to contribute and speak out results in a more sustainable business

  • All too often, teams work sub optimally leaving knowledge untapped in team members

  • We live in a world which can best be described as complex and adaptive

Thus the LSP method might not be of interest to leaders, who don't share these beliefs to some extend.

To get an overview of the essential concepts underpinning the method watch one of more of the videos from this YouTube channel

what is lego® serious play®?

Applying lego® serious play®

References & Inspiration